To receive select documents cited in the Maneuver and Battle in the Mexican Revolution series, please submit a request under the Contact tab.

Images of virtually all documents cited are available on a selective basis, except for those from the Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), because of that institution's onerous copy rules and costs.

Also, thanks to a generous donation from the Carlos Slim Foundation, all the documents of the Centro de Estudios de Historia de México (CEHM) CONDUMEX have been digitized and placed online. The most pertinent records for the revolution are:

  • Fondo XXI Primer Jefe del Ejército Constitucionalista
  • Fondo XXI-1 Hojas de Servicio. Primer Jefe del Ejército Constitucionalista
  • Fondo LXVIII-1 Manuscritos del General Manuel Willars González
  • Fondo DLXXIII Manuscritos y Fotografías del Guillermo Rubio Navarrete
  • Fondo VIII-3 Archivo del General Jenaro Amezcua